How to Read Club Payout Report
The Gateway Dashboard generates payout reports based on the payout frequency of clubs, which can be either daily, weekly, or monthly. If you need to modify your club's payout frequency, please reach out to the Support team at The total amount deposited in the club's bank account corresponds to the total amount indicated.
We recommend reconciling amounts against Stripe Amount column (Column AA) as this is the most accurate representation of money moving in/out of your account
To help with sorting through data, we suggest using filters on the column headings in the Excel spreadsheet. The following is a description of the data that can be found in each column:
Transfer Date: The date the money moves from Stripe holding account to clubs connect account, before paying out to bank account
Transfer Time: Time the money moved from Platform to club connect account in UTC
Transfer Reference = Reference number will present as tr_xxxxxxxxxxx
Is Refund: Will generally be FALSE
Transfer Amount: Amount that will be paid out to the bank account as part of the lump sum
Source Name: Name of the product purchased. Can be in form of membership, meet entry or voucher
Source Category: Product type e.g. Membership
Source Entity Name: Club providing the product/service
Sourc Entity State Pinnacle: The state associated to the club providing the product/service
Source Meet Name: If meet products are applicable, meet name will display here
Source Ex Gst: The cost of product excluding GST
Source Deduction: System and transaction fees taken from payment.
Source Inc Gst: The cost of the product including GST
Source Quantity: How many products purchased for that member in the order
SourceTotal Inc Gst: Product cost including GST before fees
Charge Total Inc Gst: The amount that was charged to the members credit card
Purchase Order ID = Swim Central's unique code for the members payment. Will be a string of numbers and letters
Purchase Date: The date the member made payment in UTC
Purchase Time UTC: The time the members made payment in UTC
Purchaser First Name: Purchaser's First Name (usually the parent of the family group or account holder)
Purchaser Last Name: Purchaser's Last Name (usually the parent of the family group or account holder)
Purchaser Id: Purchaser's Swim Central unique code. Will be a string of numbers and letters.
Assignee First Name: The member the product is assigned to
Assignee Last Name: The member the product is assigned to
Assignee Id: Assignee's Swim Central unique code. Will be a string of numbers and letters
Purchase Order Product ID: Swim Central unique code for the product purchased. Will be a string of numbers and letters
Stripe Amount: Amount paid to bank account
Stripe Refund: Whether a refund was initiated in Swim Central OR internally within Stripe. TRUE= when refund, FALSE= no refund
Stripe Created: When the payout was paid out to bank account
Stripe Reference: Will present as a py_xxxxxxxx code
- If a refund was initiated before funds hitting the clubs bank account, this will not show on the payout report.
- Refund dates will not be shown on the payout report of origin e.g. payment was made on 1 Jan, shows in 3 Jan payout report, refunded on 3 March. However, the refunded amount will show on the 3 Jan payout
- Further information on how to read payout reports with voucher payments, please see here
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