How to Associate to a Club/Organisation
The purpose of establishing an association with a club/organisation is to create a temporary link with a club or organisation for which you do not have an active membership. This link enables the club to assign a product to a participant, or access and interact with a profile and account information. Please be advised that Association with a Club/Organisation does not grant you a membership to that club/organisation and will not meet the mandatory parent requirement (if applicable in your state/territory).
NB. You must establish individual associations for each member separately, as it is not possible to associate the entire family in a single process.
You have 2 options to associate to a club/organisation:
You can initiate the invitation, or the club sends an invite.
Option 1 - Primary Account Holder Invites Club/Organisation
1) Login to Swim Central and select ‘Profiles’ then ‘View Profile’ for the family member you wish to associate to a club.
2) Click on the 'Associations' accordion
3) Select 'Add Association'
4) In the search box type the name of the club/organisation you wish to associate to
5) Click on 'Agree & Associate'
6) Once this process has been completed, you will need to await approval from the club/organisation if you wish to be impersonated by them. If you only need a product to be assigned, the club can proceed with the assignment.
7) Once the need for the association is no longer required, you have the option to remove the club/organisation association by clicking on 'Delete'
8) Choosing the 'Block' option will prevent the club/organisation having access to your information and from establishing an association with you in the future
Club Invites You to Associate
1) Login to Swim Central and select ‘Profiles’ then ‘View Profile’ for the family member who has been invited to associate to a club/organisation.
2) Click on the 'Associations' accordion
3) Open the invitation from the club/organisation and select 'Accept'
4) A modal will display, asking for your confirmation to grant the club/organisation access to your information. Click 'Accept'
5) Once the need for the association is no longer required, you have the option to remove the club/organisation association by clicking on 'Delete'.
8) Choosing the 'Block' option will prevent the club/organisation having access to your information and from establishing an association with you in the future
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